Misthyrming - Algleymi (CD) Misthyrming - Algleymi (CD)

Misthyrming - Algleymi (CD)

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Misþyrming is a black metal band from Reykjavík, Iceland. Since its formation in 2013 the band has made a name for itself within the worldwide metal community, performing at numerous festivals as well as touring around Europe. Their debut album, Söngvar elds og óreiðu (Songs of fire and chaos), was released in 2015 to a widespread high critical acclaim. The album was recognised as a punishing and wrathful, yet melodic beast of a black metal album. The vinyl edition of Söngvar elds og óreiðu sold out within 2 days and has since then been highly demanded by fans, regardless of numerous restockings. In 2016, Europe's biggest metal magazine Metal Hammer named Misþyrming as one of the Top 10 Icelandic bands. Algleymi, Misþyrming's sophomore album meets Söngvar elds og óreiðu in a proper manner, where sound and song structures show a strong evolvement of the band. It explores new paths, everywhere from blasphemous ceremonies to a total rejection of humanity. Fans of Misþyrming will recognise Algleymi as a logical step up from their debut album, where the relentless brutality and unforgiveness prevails.


Track listing

  1. Orgia
  2. Með svipur á lofti
  3. Ísland, steingelda krummaskuð
  4. Hælið
  5. Og er haustið líður undir lok
  6. Allt sem eitt sinn blómstraði
  7. Alsæla
  8. Algleymi


The lead guitar flourishes, leads, and melodic drivers all invigorate an already inventive rhythm guitar experience that lends itself to extended listening sessions. Were it any more memorable it’d likely become cloying and being right at that edge might not fully reach potential memorability but it does keep any one part of the album from appearing lesser or greater than the last. Very high recommendation as every aspect of this recording is well above average, considered, and redeeming even under the harshest of light. For preview I’d recommend the opening runs and galloping ends of “Með svipur á lofti” as they were electrifying for my own tastes and then “Allt sem eitt sinn blómstraði” to hear a window into the ‘old’ Misþyrming through eyes anew. - 5/5