Vedan Kolod - The Tale of Igor's Campaign (Слово о полку Игореве) (2021 Reissue) (Digipak CD)
Slavonic ethno-band VEDAN KOLOD (meaning Prophetic Tree) was formed in February 2005 in Siberia, Russia by Tatyana Naryshkina. The group perform neo-pagan folk and medieval folk music inspired by eastern Russian culture, landscapes and history. VEDAN KOLOD sing in the ancient Russian language and play a variety of traditional insutrments including Slavic bagpipes, flutes, war drums, Scythian horn, and sharkuncy - many reconstructed from scratch by their musical master Valerii Naryshkin.
VEDAN KOLOD conjure the most authentic and powerful Slavic shamanic music. This is pure Rus music devoid of all modern influence.
Слово о полку Игореве (The Tale of Igor's Campaign) is VEDAN KOLOD's most recent release. The album's title and theme come from the Old East Slavic anonymous epic poem from the late 12th century. In addition to music there are reading from the epic poem by Professor Lev Skvortsov of Gorkyi Literature Institute.
Were it not seemly to us, brothers, to begin in ancient diction the tales of the toils of the army of Ígoŕ, Ígoŕ Svyatoslávič?
Or to begin this song in accordance with the ballads of this time, and not like the invention of Boyán?
For the wise Boyán when he wished to make a song for any man, in his thought used to fly in the trees, race like a grey wolf on earth, soar like a dusky eagle beneath the clouds. He used to recall the words and the dissensions of the early times.
Then he released falcons on a flock of swans; whichever falcon first arrived, its swan sang a song,--to the elder Yarosláv, to Mstíslav the Brave who slew Redélya in front of the Kasog hosts, or to Román Svyatoslávič the Handsome.
Yet, Boyán, my brothers, did not let loose ten falcons on a flock of swans, but laid his own wizard fingers on the living strings, which then themselves throbbed out praise for the princes.
Tatyana Naryshkina - vocal, flutes, Slavonic drums, ocarina, fuyara, vargan and other
Valerii Naryshkin - vocal, two kinds of gusli, Scythian horn, ocarina, Slavonic drums, vargan, zhaleika, Slavonic bagpipe, fuyara, gudok and other
Daryana Antipova - vocal, Slavonic big and small drums, fuyara, sharkuncy
Track listing
- Начатии же ся тъи песни (The Beginning)
- Не лепо ли ны бяшетъ (Might it Not Become Us, Brothers)
- Трубы трубять въ Новеграде (War Horns)
- Тогда вступи Игорь князь (Then Igor Set Foot in the Golden Stirrup)
- Игорь къ Дону вои ведетъ (Igor With Army)
- О Руская земле! (Oh, Russian Land!)
- Ту ся копиемъ приламати (Spears)
- Дремлетъ въ поле (In the Field Slumbers)
- Стоиши на бороне (You Stand Your Ground)
- Тъй бо Олегъ (That Oleg Forged Feuds With the Sword)
- Тогда по Руской земли (Then, Across The Russian Land)
- Что ми шумить (What Dins Unto Me)
- Уже бо, братие! (For Now, Brothers)
- А князи сами на себе крамолу коваху (Abundant Woe Made its Way Midst the Russian Land)
- Каяла (Kayala)
- А Святославъ мутенъ сонъ виде (And Svyatoslav Saw a Troubled Dream)
- Ты, буй Рюриче, и Давыде! (You, Turbulent Rurik)
- Уже бо Сулла (No Longer Indeed Does the Sula Flow)
- Уже понизите стязи свои (The Time Has Come to Lower Your Banners)
- Ярославнынъ гласъ (Yaroslavna's Incantation)
- Прысну море полунощи (The Sea Plashed at Midnight)
- О Донче! (Oh, Donets!)
- Рекъ Боянъ и Ходына (Said Bayan, Song-Maker of the Times of Old)
- Вьются голоси чрезъ море до Киева (Voices Weave Across the Sea to Kiev)
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