Von Goat - Septic Illumination (LP) Von Goat - Septic Illumination (LP)

Von Goat - Septic Illumination (LP)

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After more than a decade away from the scene, Goat has returned. Goat was the true mastermind behind the lyrical, musical, and visual content of the original VON. When VON was first active, Goat constructed the entire sonic and symbolic world that was VON. Now, Goat has summoned the same malefic energies that impelled him then for his new project called VON GOAT.

VON GOAT is a project that has been in the works long before any resurrection of VON. It is instead a refraction of the baleful spectrum of sounds and ideas that emanate from the mind of its creator. Those expecting to hear a pointless regurgitation of old ideas will be disappointed. However, one must also recall that, during their brief existence, VON was overlooked because listeners failed to acknowledge the merit in the conceptual and aesthetic underpinnings of the band's approach. Similarly, many who listen to VON GOAT may naively dismiss it, but those that delve deeper into the hidden dimensions of VON GOAT will find new manifestations of despair and darkness unlike any other.


Track listing

  1. (Intro) Clay Jackals
  2. The Gathering
  3. Thru Your Skull
  4. My God Your God
  5. (Intro) Syringes
  6. Syringes
  7. (Intro) Black Wall System
  8. Spiders
  9. (Intro) Poison
  10. Poison Bottle
  11. Voodoo Word
  12. Private Horror