17 Years Ago: GRAND BELIAL'S KEY record Judeobeast Assassination 17 Years Ago: GRAND BELIAL'S KEY record Judeobeast Assassination

Daily Noise - / 2018

17 Years Ago: GRAND BELIAL'S KEY record Judeobeast Assassination

The conceptual order of our albums is retrogressive, meaning the first album dealt with the most recent religious passages inspired by the New Testament. The second album, "JUDEOBEAST" explored the inseparability of Judeo-Christianity, it's complementation and co-existence.

Gelal Necrosodomy / Grand Belial's Key interview, Castle of Vampiria, 2009

GRAND BELIAL'S KEY began recording their second classic album, Judeobeast Assassination, on this day in 2001. The material was completed over Easter week, finishing on (Easter) Monday, the 16th.

Well, CAZZ, DEMONIC and I have been recording this session, although DER STURMER, KOMMANDO, THE MARAUDER and other hordes were present. All songs are new, some incorporating a few riffs from songs we don't play anymore. Some of the most memorable songs on this next LP will be "Fecal Parturition" and "The Tenderhearted's Manifesto". No songs from the 7"eps appear on this recording.

Gelal Necrosodomy / Grand Belial's Key interview, Agonia #3, 2001

The vinyl version, released by End All Life Productions, included an exclusive bonus cover of GG ALLIN's "I Kill Everything I Fuck". It has since been included on later CD reissues.

Our second CD will contain 7 songs but our LP version will have one extra song, a cover of GG Allin's "I Kill Everything I Fuck". Most people won't understand it, so that's why we did it.

Gelal Necrosodomy / Grand Belial's Key interview, Agonia #3, 2001

I know that "Judeobeast Assassination" will broaden our fan base and will widen our list of enemies. The oddness of our cover song choice alone will cause many people to cringe while causing others to smile with delight. Although this release is too short for I, I think that it will kill everyone in the scene.

Cazz, The Black Lourde of Crucifixion / Grand Belial's Key interview, Agonia #3, 2001

Judeobeast Assassination was released later in the year by Drakkar Productions.

The recording of this release is finished and the final mix down is coming closer. By the end of the month the release will be ready for the pressing. I am very confident that this album's sound will crush. The studio that we've used has a spectacular taste to it. I am thinking of recording some Crucifier music there, if not the debut LP.

Cazz, The Black Lourde of Crucifixion / Grand Belial's Key interview, Agonia #3, 2001
Grand Belial's Key - Judeobeast Assassination

We think that using such simple and puritan paintings is very appropriate and original. Our music is simple and rude, our image is imageless. Another reason is that typical black metallers don't understand the water colored paintings. Some criticize our artwork for being childish. You think we care? It is the kosherbeast Jesus who should be desecrated with paint, but not for its "evil" nature, on the contrary; for being such a pacifist hippie barefoot hobo. His queer nature and mannerisms reek of philanthropy and humanism. The following releases were along the same lines and became our visual identifier. All our covers cover some sort of biblical reference as interpreted by the artist.

Gelal Necrosodomy / Grand Belial's Key interview, Castle of Vampiria, 2009