The conceptual order of our albums is retrogressive, meaning the first album dealt with the most recent religious passages inspired by the New Testament. The second album, "JUDEOBEAST" explored the inseparability of Judeo-Christianity, it's complementation and co-existence. Gelal Necrosodomy / Grand Belial's Key interview, Castle of Vampiria, 2009...
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Released on tape by Pagan Records on this day in 1994, the second GRAND BELIAL'S KEY demo. Recorded at The Dungeon in Arlington, Virginia. "In Rapture by the Fenrir Moon" was re-recorded for the debut album, "Sleeping Princes of the Arges" was forgotten; and while "When Darkness Rears...
Fear the stench of the cauldron... GRAND BELIAL'S KEY recorded their first demo, Goat of a Thousand Young, on this day in 1992! Let's clear things up. I wrote for the first demo alone. Till this day I own the 4-track cassettes with the fucking work I created,...
Yes, the band still consists of only two members. I would prefer to have a full band; but unfortunately, "true people" who can play dark and original riffs are extremely hard to find. We have played live with two session musicians once. Of course, a good stage show...