I didn't know it was a "gore core classic"... but it's nice to know. We didn't expect to become this famous......fortunately we didn't advertise it a whole lot. You see, it's not very funny to tape those demos and send them out. Janitor / Xysma interview, Isten #5,...
Daily Noise — Xysma RSS
Early XYSMA live on this day somewhere in Turku, 1989. Pre-demo XYSMA even; Swarming of the Maggots was recorded about three weeks after this gig. Raw grindcore/death metal, you'll quickly hear some of their influences (such as the REPULSION cover a few songs in). The crowd start to...
Early XYSMA live on this day somewhere in Turku, 1989. Pre-demo XYSMA even; Swarming of the Maggots was recorded about three weeks after this gig. Raw grindcore/death metal, you'll quickly hear some of their influences (such as the REPULSION cover a few songs in). The crowd start to...