The new album is more aggressive, but it's also more beautiful and nicer in other ways. Lyrically, it's not so one-sided, and the same with the vocals: there are more atmospheres on the new album. You can say, perhaps, that In the Nightside Eclipse is more whole, as...
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There wasn't any kind of a plan really, it was just a collection of leftover songs and a few newer ones that Black Winds wrote on his own. I think maybe Black Priest had to do with some of them too but he didn't stay in the group...
As I said, we don't give any interviews and we don't want to talk about anything, especially the Isengard album which is not an especially interesting piece of music. Fenriz speaking just over a year prior to Høstmørke. Vinterskugge and DARKTHRONE's Transilvanian Hunger were soon to be released. And...
Recorded during April at Grieghallen, IMMORTAL released their debut LP - Diabolical Fullmoon Mysticism - on this day in 1992.
Above the mountainside and into cryptic winterstorms forever...
Recorded in June the previous year, Peaceville released the iconic Under a Funeral Moon on this day in 1993. We didn't care really much for the albums at the time, we all agreed that the rehearsals we did was the most important thing. We actually rehearsed a lot......
Following the release of Min tid skal komme in 1995 (Misanthropy Records co-released with Aesthetic Death), FLEURETY began working on new material. One of the earliest new songs was the killer "Vortex". The band sent a demo of "Vortex" to Misanthropy who refused the release, or as the...
Live on this day in 1990, Rovaniemi, Finland. The third Metal Passion Party featuring BEHERIT, XYSMA and FROST. Beherit - Full Set We have played quite few gigs, less than 10. Our last gig was with XYSMA (you know, quite cool gore-core from southern Finland) but mainly we've...
We have changed our name to TIAMAT because it does really fit our lyrics better. The Satanic image is to keep the Unholy Black Metal alive. Some people (in fact, alot of people) want to kill it but early Venom, Possessed, Destruction, Slayer, Sodom will forever live on...
The first ancient monument to fall at the hands of Norway’s black metal underground was the 12th Century Stave Church in Fana, Bergen. Firefighters take a break after battling the flames. Foto: Arne Ristesund The church was destroyed by arson on Saturday 6 June 1992. A photograph of...
Do you realize that this is the very path that goes through Mirkwood, and that if you let it, it might take you to the Lonely Mountain or even further and to worse places? SUMMONING released Nightshade Forests - recorded during the late-1996 Dol Guldur sessions - on...
Released on this day in 1996, but the material dates back further - to the days of Blood Fire Death - and could have been the fifth BATHORY album if released in 1989. Re-recorded / re-worked at Hellhole Studio in June-July 1995 Blood on Ice was finally released...
Our brand new material is more technical and ofcourse still speedy and heavy. Songs like: "Black Death", "The Ritual", "Death Trap" and "Bestial Invasion" are real killer!!- Tommy Sandmann / Destruction interview, Brain Damage #2, 1985 DESTRUCTION released their classic debut on this day in 1985! Hardcore highspeed...
The very first MASTER'S HAMMER gig! The true underground, performed in Zbraslav (southern Prague) without permission from the authorities in what was Communist Czechoslovakia on this day in 1989. The police did begin to investigate their acitivity following this concert. Before the year was over Prague and Czechoslovakia...
MAYHEM rehearsed material for De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas on this day in 1992, just over a year after Dead's suicide. The recording is bootlegged as From the Darkest Past. All instrumental. Hellhammer - drums, Euronymous - guitar, Count Grishnackh - bass. These songs were finally recorded in a studio - the infamous...
ROTTING CHRIST recorded and mixed their side of the split 7" with SOUND POLLUTION - The Other Side of Life - on this day in 1989. A few months after the Decline's Return demo. Nine songs, ranging between 7 seconds and a full minute, of grindcore. In the...
It was actually recorded and mixed in 5 nights and to be honest we were very naive about the whole studio recording thing, this can be seen when "tuatha" is compared with "kingdom". There are certainly some great parts on the album but overall it really pisses me...
BRATS began as a punk rock band in Copenhagen, 1977. The earliest material is good but not remarkable. Guitarists Hank Shermann and Michael Denner (and briefly Carsten Van der Volsing) soon began incorporating their heavy metal influences - JUDAS PRIEST, SCORPIONS and UFO. BRATS released their only LP...
Recorded at Hindu Lyd during the Svartalvheim sessions (Nov 1993 – May 1994); ANCIENT released their only 7" - Det glemte riket - on this day in 1994.
We have the latest edition of the compilation Det Glemte Riket in stock. The CD includes this 7", the Trolltaar mini album and unreleased tracks.