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21 Years Ago: IMMORTAL release Blizzard Beasts

21 Years Ago: IMMORTAL release Blizzard Beasts

We managed to be different from our earlier albums also this time, and we changed the concept a bit, but not the style. It still sounds Immortal. We also wanted to develop ourselves continuously. Develop, but maintain and keep our own style. Theme is the usual, which I...
15 Years Ago: MGLA record Power and Will

15 Years Ago: MGLA record Power and Will

MGŁA finished recording Power and Will on this day in 2003. The four songs (Parts I-VI) were recorded over two days at Gaschamber Portable. The lineup at that point was founding member M. and Daren (KRIEGSMASCHINE, HOLY DEATH, ARAGON) on drums. The material would be their first public...
21 Years Ago: ARCKANUM release Kostogher

21 Years Ago: ARCKANUM release Kostogher

Through wooded glades he wanders with dancing nymphs who foot it on some sheer cliff's edge, calling upon Pan, the shepherd-god, long-haired, unkempt. He has every snowy crest and the mountain peaks and rocky crests for his domain; hither and thither he goes through the close thickets, now...
24 Years Ago: BEHERIT release H418ov21.C

24 Years Ago: BEHERIT release H418ov21.C

"H418..." was supposed to be a special teaser-release before the release of a new band-BEHERIT album. I just never managed to get the band together again...- Nuclear Holocausto / Beherit interview, Sue, 2000 BEHERIT released the ambient album H418ov21.C on this day in 1994, just three months after...
24 Years Ago: DARKTHRONE release Transilvanian Hunger

24 Years Ago: DARKTHRONE release Transilvanian Hunger

In my 13 years with DARKTHRONE, some fucken weird stuff has crossed my path, therefore I remember "Transilvanian Hunger" as the most crazy and mean time of my life.- Nocturno Culto / Darkthrone interview, Nocturnal Cult, 2001 Released on this day in 1994. DARKTHRONE's fourth album, and after the controversy...
18 Years Ago: KATHARSIS release 666

18 Years Ago: KATHARSIS release 666

Doch endlich stürzt in letzten Flammen,In gräßlicher VernichtungsprachtDes Himmels "Herrlichkeit" zusammenUnd schwarz entsteigt die ew'ge Nacht...HEIL LUZIFER. HEIL SATAN!!! KATHARSIS released their killer debut 666 on this day in 2000. An album that owed much to Under a Funeral Moon, yet had a quality and relevance - which...
24 Years Ago: TORGEIST record Devoted to Satan

24 Years Ago: TORGEIST record Devoted to Satan

This record is dedicated to all of you, Brothers and Sisters, who've killed the false and feeble god. May you eternally follow the way of Satanism... Hail to all the true Black Metal Underground. TORGEIST recorded Devoted to Satan over one "night of fullmoon", completing their debut demo...