We managed to be different from our earlier albums also this time, and we changed the concept a bit, but not the style. It still sounds Immortal. We also wanted to develop ourselves continuously. Develop, but maintain and keep our own style. Theme is the usual, which I...
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Yes this tape is very different from our current style, and no, I don't consider it part of Darkthrone!!! That kind of goes for "Thulcandra" too, but we spread it in over 200 copies, so I guess (sadly) that it is part of our history which many will...
MGŁA finished recording Power and Will on this day in 2003. The four songs (Parts I-VI) were recorded over two days at Gaschamber Portable. The lineup at that point was founding member M. and Daren (KRIEGSMASCHINE, HOLY DEATH, ARAGON) on drums. The material would be their first public...
...we have recorded a full lenght album, it's entitled "In the nightside eclipse" and are to be released as soon as the final mix and artwork is ready...it will be a monument in the Black Metal history.- Samoth / Emperor interview, Pure Fucking Hell #2, 1994 Released during the...
Through wooded glades he wanders with dancing nymphs who foot it on some sheer cliff's edge, calling upon Pan, the shepherd-god, long-haired, unkempt. He has every snowy crest and the mountain peaks and rocky crests for his domain; hither and thither he goes through the close thickets, now...
"H418..." was supposed to be a special teaser-release before the release of a new band-BEHERIT album. I just never managed to get the band together again...- Nuclear Holocausto / Beherit interview, Sue, 2000 BEHERIT released the ambient album H418ov21.C on this day in 1994, just three months after...
In my 13 years with DARKTHRONE, some fucken weird stuff has crossed my path, therefore I remember "Transilvanian Hunger" as the most crazy and mean time of my life.- Nocturno Culto / Darkthrone interview, Nocturnal Cult, 2001 Released on this day in 1994. DARKTHRONE's fourth album, and after the controversy...
Doch endlich stürzt in letzten Flammen,In gräßlicher VernichtungsprachtDes Himmels "Herrlichkeit" zusammenUnd schwarz entsteigt die ew'ge Nacht...HEIL LUZIFER. HEIL SATAN!!! KATHARSIS released their killer debut 666 on this day in 2000. An album that owed much to Under a Funeral Moon, yet had a quality and relevance - which...
SPEAR OF LONGINUS recorded most of Nada Brahma on this day in 1998. The intro and outro ("I.A.O." and "Interplanetary Warfare and the Attack of the Culture Heroes") date back to 1995.The complete mini album was then mixed at Vibrafeel Studios in March of 98 and released the following year...
It has a very triumphant and victorious feel to it. There're a lot of atmospheric parts on this album that we felt they haven't been used very much in the past, for example song 'Beyond the North Waves' has those new elements. We are total metal fans we...
Not an album, rather a compilation of songs from the Unchained Heathen Wrath demo, Songs of the Northern Gale demo, Of Revenge and Bloodstained Swords demo and one exclusive song. WYRD released Wrath & Revenge on this day in 2003. I really wanted to use this anniversary as a way to...
No peers, no scene. As it was back then. But if you listen to this song, feral death thrash a la hell awaits album by Slayer, it is so clear why two of the members were chosen as session members for Mayhem.- Fenriz, Band of the Week Early...
This record is dedicated to all of you, Brothers and Sisters, who've killed the false and feeble god. May you eternally follow the way of Satanism... Hail to all the true Black Metal Underground. TORGEIST recorded Devoted to Satan over one "night of fullmoon", completing their debut demo...
All of my infractions with the law really have nothing to do with the band. Other than the security guy who showed up 'cause I was smashing a bat while we were recording....when we were recording Unholy Death, and I was all pissed off and stressed, I took...
These same three fellows would go on to record several classic albums, but on this day in 1989 they were recording a rehearsal demo in Athens. Raw blasts of death metal/grindcore, or "music(?)" as they list it on the tape. Ooouuuuaaaoooouuu...... How did you describe this demo???? Who traded it with...
Our music is created by power from ourselves (thought to music). We are strong and powerful-minded people. After all, isn't that what this music about? By the direction of most lame bands around these days, not a lot of music is done by this.- Bestial Warlust interview, Descent...
Beer I bring thee, tree of battle,Mingled of strength and mighty fame;Charms it holds and healing signs,Spells full good, and gladness-runes. FALKENBACH released ...magni blandinn ok megintíri..., the second album, on this day in 1998. Most of the lyrics are about Asatru, the religion of Germanic and north-European...
In the midst upon a stony height stands Dol Guldur, where long the hidden Enemy had his dwelling. We fear that now it is inhabited again, and with power sevenfold. A black cloud lies often over it of late. In this high place you may see the two...